Learning a language nowadays is very important. The world is constantly advancing and globalizing, and knowing how to speak more than one language will open frontiers in your field of work, or in whatever you do.
In addition, speaking a new language increases your self-confidence, and assures you a future with a very good future to come.
But finding a course that suits all your needs is not so easy. At Académie Langues Nouveau Monde we offer a wide range of study modalities to cover any situation.
Want to know more about the courses we offer? Read on to discover all the curiosities we have to offer at our academy.
advantages of taking a language course
Taking a course to learn a new language has many advantages not only on a professional level but also on a personal level.
Increases self-confidence
Yes, learning a new language gives you confidence, as you progress through the course you will realize your progress and you will feel more motivated to continue learning.
Even if at the beginning you make mistakes when speaking, the native speakers of that language will admire you for your motivation and courage to learn a new language.
It helps to exercise your brain
Learning a new language helps your brain to train, stay healthy and fit. This exercise makes the brain cells work better and faster.
According to studies, it also prevents degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
It will help you make better decisions
Speaking another language can make you make better decisions faster and easier. Bilingual people tend to take more risks because they are more open-minded.
You will expand your social environment
This is a great advantage and although it sounds strange, it will make you meet more people and communicate with them and here I explain why.
- You will be able to travel and feel more confident to meet new cultures and new people.
- If you go to another country for vacation, to work or to study, it will be easier for you to make new friends.
- Native speakers like accents and will be curious to hear you speak other languages.
- If you go on exchange you will be able to communicate perfectly with people from many countries around the world and you will feel more confident and secure.
It will boost your career
Nowadays it is very important to be bilingual in order to find a good job, because companies are looking for people who are prepared to face any challenge that may arise, whether it is business trips or going on meetings abroad.
In addition, people who speak two or more languages tend to receive a higher salary than those who only speak their native language.
If you are a company
If you are a company, you will have the following benefits:
- You will have proficiency in many languages, a competitive advantage you will need to take advantage of the opportunities provided by a globalized and interconnected economy.
- We are here to provide you with training that adapts to your needs and business reality.
- You will be able to integrate foreign workers in your company without problems.
- Your success as a company is assured.
What language courses do we offer?
At Académie Langues Nouveau Monde, we offer courses in French, English and Spanish, these 3 languages are the main ones, in fact, they are among the 4 most important languages in the world.
English is the universal language and is the first most important language in the world, with 1,132 million speakers, this language is spoken officially in 67 countries.
Spanish is the third most important and spoken language in the world, with 534 million speakers, it is spoken in 21 countries.
The fourth most spoken language in the world, it is spoken by 280 million people and is spoken in 29 countries.
Language courses available
At Académie Langues Nouveau Monde we have English, Spanish and French courses available, online or in person, at home or at work, for students of all levels.
Our teachers are highly qualified, with a high level in the language, and they come to your home or work.
The courses we offer are for both individuals and companies, take advantage and learn a new language with us.
In short, nowadays there is a lot of competition in a generalized way and learning two or more languages is very important, because this way you can have a more complete curricular synthesis and you will be more prepared for any position.
You must keep in mind that to be bilingual or polyglot you must master two or more languages very well, but don’t worry, even though it sounds a little difficult to learn a language you just need to practice and you will see how easy it is.
The idea of taking a language course is to learn well and with good teachers and here at Académie Langues Nouveau Monde, you will have both.
If you are looking to become bilingual or polyglot, visit our website to find out about our courses. Are you ready to start?
Looking for a good language course, look no further! At Académie Langues Nouveau Monde we offer the best language courses on the market, at the best price.